Set markers in the Timeline to mark specific points in a sequence:
1Click the Add Marker button in the Canvas to set a marker in the Timeline at the current position of the playhead.
Add Marker button
2Reposition the playhead in the Canvas, and this time press M to add another marker. Play your sequence and press M to add more markers on the fly. You can use this method of adding sequence markers to quickly mark specific frames where events occur.
Navigate to markers in the Timeline:
mm Press
Delete markers in the Timeline:
mm Place the playhead over a marker in the Canvas or Timeline. Choose Mark > Markers > Delete.
Change markers in the Timeline:
mm Click a marker to select it in the Timeline, then press M. The Edit Marker dialog appears with options for changing the marker. (Don’t worry about creating chapter, compression, or scoring markers for now. You can learn about the different kinds of markers later.)
Chapter 4 Working with the Canvas and Timeline