Table 3.3 TFTP Configuration File Parameters (3 of 12)
Enables or disables the ability to print through IPP: 0 disables, 1 (default) enables.
Enables or disables LPD (Line Printer Daemon) printing services on the Jetdirect print server. 0 disables, 1 (default) enables.
Specifies whether an acknowledgement (ACK) on all TCP packets is required before the printer is allowed to close a Port 9100 print connection. A Port Number and Option value are specified. For current HP Jetdirect print servers, the Port Number is 1. Option value 0 (default) disables interlock, 1 enables. For example,
“interlock 1 1” specifies Port 1, interlock enabled.
Enables or disables buffer packing for TCP/IP packets.
0 (default): is normal, the data buffer is packed before sending to the printer.
1:disables buffer packing, data is sent to the printer as it is received.
Controls the setting of the TCP PSH flag for
0 (default): disables this option, flag is not set.
Enables or disables multiple TCP connections.
0 (default): allows multiple connections.
1: disables multiple connections.
TCP/IP Raw Print Ports
Specifies additional ports for printing to TCP port 9100. Valid ports are 3000 to 9000, which are
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