Classic Control Panel
Classic control panels can typically display two lines of 16 characters each.
As described in Table B.1, the HP Jetdirect control panel menu allows you to enable or disable network protocols, and configure selected network parameters. On the control panel display, an asterisk (*) is used to identify the selected value.
Table B.1 HP Jetdirect Classic Control Panel Menu (1 of 3)
Menu Item | Description |
CFG NETWORK= | Selects whether or not you want to access the Jetdirect menu. |
| NO (default): Bypass the HP Jetdirect menu. |
| YES: Access the HP Jetdirect menu. You must change this to |
| YES* each time you want to access the menu. |
TCP/IP= | Identifies whether the protocol stack is enabled or disabled. |
IPX/SPX= | ON (default): The protocol is enabled. |
DLC/LLC= | OFF: The protocol is disabled. |
ENWW | The HP Jetdirect EIO Control Panel Menu 246 |