Enable remote desktop feature and set policy on host 113
Result: The End User License Agreement window appears.
3Accept the terms of the agreement and click on Next. Result: The Customer Information screen appears.
4Type in your user name, organization, and click the Anyone who Uses this Computer button. Then click Next.
Result: The Ready to Install the Program screen appears.
5Click Install.
Result: The Installing Remote Desktop Connection screen appears. A status bar shows installation progress. Once the installation is complete, the Install Shield Wizard Complete screen appears.
6Click Finish to exit the install wizard.
Enable remote desktop feature and set policy on host
CallPilot server comes with the Remote Desktop server enabled and configured for use by default. If necessary, remote desktop access can be enabled or disabled as follows:
Step Action
1From the CallPilot server desktop,
Result: The System Properties screen appears.
Nortel CallPilot
Troubleshooting Reference Guide
5.026 June 2007