Chapter 4
Network troubleshooting
In this chapter
"Check cabling" (page 59)
"Check network adapters and driver installation" (page 59)
"Check TCP/IP configuration" (page 60)
"Test the TCP/IP" (page 82)
"Check event logs" (page 83)
Check cabling
Ensure that the link LEDs at both ends of each Ethernet cable are on. If the link LEDs are not on, then ensure that the
Use proper cables rated for at least 100 Mb/s; for example, category 5 UTP cables.
Check end-to-end connectivity
Ensure that any intermediate Ethernet switches or hubs, routers, and firewalls are properly connected and configured.
Check network adapters and driver installation
Step Action
1Start the Windows Device Manager:
a. Click Start > Settings >Control Panel.
Nortel CallPilot
Troubleshooting Reference Guide
5.026 June 2007