Chapter 12
StorNext Reports
StorNext enables you to generate and view a number of reports that provide information about your StorNext system. These reports are selectable from the StorNext home page, the SNFS home page, and the SNSM home page.
The following reports are available:
•The Backup Information Report: Provides information about primary and secondary backups for the StorNext system.
•The Drive State Information Report: Provides information about the drives configured in StorNext, including drive IDs and types, archives, usage, errors, and mount data.
•The File Information Report: Provides file information, including the current location of a file, owner, size, and number of copies for the file.
•The Library Information Report: Provides information about libraries, including the type and state, associated media associated, and imported media classes.
•The Library Space Used Report: Provides total storage capacity being used in all configured libraries.
•The Media Information Report: Provides media configuration and statistics.
•The Policy Class Information Report: Provides information about policy classes in the StorNext system, including media, noontimes, hard limits, and cleanup.
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