Modifying a
Creating a
source /usr/adic/.cshrc
Use the fsaddclass command to create a new policy class by typing the following:
/usr/adic/TSM/exec/fsaddclass <policy_class_name>
<default_affinity> <destination_affinity> -i <relocation_time_in_days>
For example: /usr/adic/TSM/exec/fsaddclass dtdclass1
The list of affinities includes the same affinities that were defined through the GUI.
If you do not use the
If only one affinity is listed with the
Use the fsmodclass command to modify an existing policy class by typing the following:
/usr/adic/TSM/exec/fsmodclass <policy_class_name>
<default_affinity> <destination_affinity>
For example: /usr/adic/TSM/exec/fsmodclass dtdclass1
Use the fsrelocate command to perform manual
•The file must be a
•The file cannot be truncated
•The file cannot be specifically excluded from relocation via the fschfiat command
For example:
/usr/adic/TSM/exec/fsrelocate /stornext/snfs1/data1/file1
In the previous example, the file /stornext/snfs1/data1/file1 will be relocated to affinity Aff2.
StorNext User’s Guide | 366 |