Chapter 2 StorNext GUI Overview
The StorNext Home Page
•MSM media console errors
•MSM drive dismount request when drive is already dismounted
•MSM media audit failures
To view admin alerts, select Admin Alerts from the StorNext home page’s Service menu. (Alternatively, you can click the Admin Alert button at the bottom of the screen.) The Service - Admin Alerts screen appears.
Figure 7 Service - Admin Alerts
You can display the Previous or Next screen of alerts by clicking those buttons. Alternatively, you can go directly to a page by entering that number (such as 3 or 4) and then clicking the Page button.
On the Service - Admin Alerts screen you can do any of the following:
•View a specific alert by scrolling to the right of the screen (if the alert is longer than can be displayed on one screen)
•Refresh (update) the list by clicking the Refresh button
•Delete a selected alert by clicking the Delete button
•Delete all alerts by clicking the Delete All button
StorNext User’s Guide | 18 |