Creating a File System Server
4Label the FC drives by typing the following:
/usr/cvfs/bin/cvlabel /user/cvfs/config/cvlabels
5Copy the example file system configuration file to the config directory by typing the following:
cp /usr/cvfs/examples/example.cfg /usr/cvfs/config/ <file_system_name>.cfg
6Edit the StorNext configuration file you just created to include the desired settings, disks, and stripe groups.
7Copy the fsnameservers file to the config directory by typing the following:
cp /usr/cvfs/examples/fsnameservers.example /usr/cvfs/config/ fsnameservers
8Edit the fsnameservers file to include the host’s IP address.
9Copy the example fsmlist file to the config directory by typing the following:
cp /usr/cvfs/examples/fsmlist.example /usr/cvfs/config/fsmlist
10Edit the fsmlist file created in step 9 to include the name of file systems you want to start at boot time.
11Obtain your license.dat from the Quantum Technical Assistance Center. For contact information, refer to Quantum Technical Assistance Center on page 322.
12Place the license.dat file in the /usr/cvfs/config directory.
13Make the file system by typing the following:
/usr/cvfs/bin/cvmkfs <file_system_name>
Caution: When you run the cvmkfs command, you will lose
any data currently on the file system.
14Reboot the machine.
15Verify that the labeled drives are available to the file system by typing the following:
StorNext User’s Guide | 360 |