FSBlockSize, Metadata Disk Size, and JournalSize Settings
Values less than 16K are not recommended in most scenarios because startup and failover time may be adversely impacted. Setting FsBlockSize (FSB) to higher values is important for multi terabyte file systems for optimal startup and failover time.
Note: This is particularly true for slow CPU clock speed metadata servers such as Sparc. However, values greater than 16K can severely consume metadata space in cases where the
For metadata disk size, you must have a minimum of 25 GB, with more space allocated depending on the number of files per directory and the size of your file system.
The following table shows suggested FsBlockSize (FSB) settings and metadata disk space based on the average number of files per directory and file system size. The amount of disk space listed for metadata is in addition to the 25 GB minimum amount. Use this table to determine the setting for your configuration.
Average No. |
of Files Per | File System SIze: Less | File System Size: 10TB |
Directory | Than 10TB | or Larger |
Less than 10 | FSB: 16KB | FSB: 64KB |
| Metadata: 32 GB per 1M | Metadata: 128 GB per 1M |
| files | files |
FSB: 16KB | FSB: 64KB | |
| Metadata: 8 GB per 1M | Metadata: 32 GB per 1M |
| files | files |
FSB: 64KB | FSB: 64KB | |
| Metadata: 8 GB per 1M | Metadata: 8 GB per 1M |
| files | files |
1000 + | FSB: 64KB | FSB: 64KB |
| Metadata: 4 GB per 1M | Metadata: 4 GB per 1M |
| files | files |
StorNext User’s Guide | 336 |