Page 4 Epson Research and Development
Vancouver Design Center
S1D13705 13705PWR Power Save Utility
X27A-B-007-03 Issue Date: 01/07/04
PC Platform
For 16-Bit Program Version: copy the file 13705PWR.EXE to a directory that is in the
DOS path on your hard drive.
For 32-Bit Program Version: install the 32-bit Windows device driver S1D13XXX.VXD
as described in the S1D13XXX 32-Bit Windows Device Driver Installation Guide,
document number X00A-E-003-xx. Copy the file 13705PWR.EXE to a directory that is in
the DOS path on your hard drive.
Embedded Platform
Download the program 13705PWR to the system.
PC platform: at the prompt, type 13705pwr [s0] [s1] [h0] [h1].
Embedded platform: execute 13705pwr and at the prompt, type the command line
Where: s0 resets software power save mode
s1 sets software power save mode
h0 resets (disables) hardware power save mode (REG[03h] bit 2)
h1 sets (enables) hardware power save mode (REG[03h] bit 2)
/? displays this usage message