Epson Research and Development Page 47
Vancouver Design Center
Programming Notes and Examples S1D13705
Issue Date: 02/01/22 X27A-G-002-03
8 Identifying the S1D13705
There are several similar products in the 135X and 137X LCD controller f amilies. Products
which can share significant portions of a generic code base. It may be important for a
program to identify between products at run time.
Identification of the S1D13705 can be performed any time after the system has been
powered up by reading REG[00h], the Revision Code register. The six most significant bits
form the product identification code and the two least significant bits form the product
From reset (power on) the steps to identifying the S1D13705 are as follows:
1. Read REG[00h]. Mask off the lower two bits, the revision code, to obtain the product
2. The product code for the S1D13705 is 024h.