dialup connection status 255 logs 318, 319
logs saved to memory 317 VPN tunnel status 255
virtual domain adding 149 adding a VLAN 150 adding a zone 150
adding firewall addresses 152 adding firewall policies 152 configuring 149
configuring in Transparent mode 147 deleting 153
properties 149 virtual IP 208
adding 209
port forwarding 208, 210 static NAT 208
virus definition updates downloading 135
virus definitions updating 117, 119
virus incidents
enabling alert email 322 virus list
displaying 287 viewing 287
virus log 313 virus protection
overview 279 worm protection 16
virus status 113
adding to a virtual domain 150 NAT/Route mode 146 overview 145
rules for VLAN IDs 146
rules for VLAN IP addresses 146
configuring L2TP gateway 263 configuring PPTP gateway 258, 263 introduction 19
Tunnel 192
viewing dialup connection status 255 VPN events
enabling alert email 322 VPN tunnel
viewing status 255
web content filtering introduction 16
web filtering ActiveX 299 cookies 299 Java applets 299 overview 289, 303
web filtering log 313 web page
content blocking 290, 304 web pattern blocking 296 web URL blocking 293
connecting to 28 introduction 20 language 171 timeout 170
recording logs on NetIQ WebTrends server 310 Windows 2000
configuring for L2TP 265 configuring for PPTP 261 connecting to L2TP VPN 266 connecting to PPTP VPN 261
Windows 98
configuring for PPTP 260 connecting to PPTP VPN 261
Windows XP
configuring for L2TP 267 configuring for PPTP 261 connecting to L2TP VPN 268 connecting to PPTP VPN 262
setting up firewall 43, 60 starting 43, 60
worm list displaying 287
worm protection 287
zone adding 138
adding to a virtual domain 150 configuring 137
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