schedule 205 applying to policy 208
automatic antivirus and attack definition updates 120 creating
creating recurring 207
policy option 191 recurring 207
scheduled antivirus and attack updates 122 scheduled updates
through a proxy server 122 scheduling 120
adding a DHCP scope 158 script filter 299
example settings 299 scripts
removing from web pages 299, 308 searching logs 318, 319
logs saved to FortiGate hard disk 319 logs saved to memory 317
secondary IP interface 142
security question registration 134
serial number displaying 107, 108
DHCP 157, 158 service 200
custom ICMP 204 custom IP 204 custom TCP 203 custom UDP 203 group 204 policy option 191 predefined 200 service name 200
service contracts Forticare 129
service group adding 205
service name
traffic filter display 316 session
clearing 114 session list 114 session status 112 set time 169 setup wizard 43, 60
starting 43, 60 shutting down 110 signature threshold values 275
SMTP 202
configuring alert email 321 definition 324
SNMP configuring 173
contact information 175 definition 324
first trap receiver IP address 175 get community 175
MIBs 176
system location 175 trap community 175 traps 177
log search 319 policy option 190
squidGuard 295, 307 SSH 202, 325
SSL 323
service definition 201 starting IP
DHCP 159, 160
PPTP 258, 263 static IP/MAC list 215 static NAT virtual IP 208
adding 209 static route
adding 154 status
CPU 111 interface 139 intrusions 113 IPSec VPN tunnel 255 memory 111 network 112 sessions 112
viewing dialup connection status 255 viewing VPN tunnel status 255 virus 113
subnet definition 325
subnet address definition 325
support contract number adding 133 changing 133
support password changing 134
syn interval 169
synchronize with NTP server 169 system configuration 169 system date and time
setting 169 system location SNMP 175
system name SNMP 175 system options
changing 170
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