UM10237_2 © NXP B.V. 2008. All rights reserved.
User manual Rev. 02 — 19 December 2008 203 o f 792
NXP Semiconductors UM10237
Chapter 10: LPC24XX General Purpose Input/Output (GPIO)
Writing to the IOPIN register stores the value in the port output register, bypassing the
need to use both the IOSET and IOCLR registers to obtain the entire written value. This
feature should be used carefully in an application since it affects the entire port.
Legacy registers are the IO0PIN and IO1PIN while the enhanced GPIOs are supported
via the FIO0PIN, FIO1PIN, FIO2PIN, FIO3PIN and FIO4PIN registers. Access to a port
pin via the FIOPIN register is conditioned by the corresponding bit of the FIOMASK
register (see Section 10–6.5 “Fast GPIO port Mask register
FIOMASK(FIO[0/1/2/3/4]MASK - 0x3FFF C0[1/3/5/7/9]0)).
Only pins masked with zeros in the Mask register (see Section 10–6.5 “Fast GPIO port
Mask register FIOMASK(FIO[0/1/2/3/4]MASK - 0x3FFF C0[1/3/5/7/9]0)) will be
correlated to the current content of the Fast GPIO port pin value register.
Aside from the 32-bit long and word only accessible FIOPIN register, every fast GPIO port
can also be controlled via several byte and half-word accessible registers listed in
Table10–172, too. Next to providing the same functions as the FIOPIN register, these
additional registers allow easier and faster access to the physical port pins.
Table 170. GPIO port Pin value register (IO0PIN - address 0xE002 8000 and IO1PIN - address
0xE002 8010) bit description
Bit Symbol Value Description Reset
31:0 P0xVAL
P1xVAL 0
Slow GPIO pin value bits. Bit 0 in IOxPIN corresponds to pin
Px.0, bit 31 in IOxPIN corresponds to pin Px.31.
Controlled pin output is set to LOW.
1 Controlled pin output is set to HIGH.
Table 171. Fast GPIO port Pin value register (F IO[0/1/2/3/4]PIN - address
0x3FFF C0[1/3/5/7/9]4) bit description
Bit Symbol Value Description Reset
31:0 FP0xVAL
Fast GPIO output value Set bits. Bit 0 in FIOxCLR corresponds
to pin Px.0, bit 31 in FIOxCLR corresponds to pin Px.31.
Controlled pin output is set to LOW.
1 Controlled pin output is set to HIGH.