UM10237_2 © NXP B.V. 2008. All rights reserved.
User manual Rev. 02 — 19 December 2008 222 o f 792
NXP Semiconductors UM10237
Chapter 11: LPC24XX Ethernet
7.1.3 Back-to-Back Inter-Packet-Gap Register (IPGT - 0xFFE0 0008)

The Back-to-Back Inter-Packet-Gap register (IPGT) has an address of 0xFFE00008. Its

bit definition is shown in Table11–190.

7.1.4 Non Back-to-Back Inter-Packet-Gap Register (IPGR - 0xFFE0 000C)

The Non Back-to-Back Inter-Packet-Gap register (IPGR) has an address of

0xFFE0 000C. Its bit definition is shown in Table 11–191.

7.1.5 Collision Window / Retry Register (CLRT - 0xFFE0 0010)

The Collision window / Retry register (CLRT) has an address of 0xFFE0 0010. Its bit

definition is shown in Table11–192.

Table 190. Back-to-b ack Inter-packet-gap register (IPGT - address 0xFFE00008) bit description
Bit Symbol Function Reset
INTER-PACKET-GAP This is a programmable field representing the nibble time offset of the minimum
possible period between the end of any transmitted packet to the beginning of the
next. In Full-Duplex mode, the register value should be the desired period in
nibble times minus 3. In Half-Duplex mode, the register value should be the
desired period in nibble times minus 6. In Full-Duplex the recommended setting is
0x15 (21d), which represents the minimum IPG of 960 ns (in 100 Mbps mode) or
9.6 µs (in 10 Mbps mode). In Half-Duplex the recommended setting is 0x12 (18d),
which also represents the minimum IPG of 960 ns (in 100 Mbps mode) or 9.6 µ s
(in 10 Mbps mode).
31:7 - Reserved. User software should not write ones to reserved bits. The value read
from a reserved bit is not defined. 0x0
Table 191. Non Back -to-back Inter-packet-gap register (IPGR - address 0xFFE0 000C) bit description
Bit Symbol Function Reset
INTER-PACKET-GAP PAR T2 This is a programmable field representing the Non-Back-to-Back
Inter-Packet-Gap. The recommended value is 0x12 (18d), which
represents the minimum IPG of 960 ns (in 100 Mbps mode) or 9.6µs (in
10 Mbps mode).
7 - Reserved. User software should not write ones to reserved bits. The value
read from a reserved bit is not defined. 0x0
INTER-PACKET-GAP PAR T1 This is a programmable field representing the optional carrierSense
window referenced in IEEE 802.3/ 'Carrier Deference'. If carrier is
detected during the timing of IPGR1, the MAC defers to carrier. If,
however, carrier becomes active after IPGR1, the MAC continues timing
IPGR2 and transmits, knowingly causing a collision, thus ensuring fair
access to medium. Its range of values is 0x0 to IPGR2. The recommended
value is 0xC (12d)
31:15 - Reserved. User software should not write ones to reserved bits. The value
read from a reserved bit is not defined. 0x0