UM10237_2 © NXP B.V. 2008. All rights reserved.
User manual Rev. 02 — 19 December 2008 364 o f 792
NXP Semiconductors UM10237
Chapter 13: LPC24XX USB device controller
11.3 Set Mode (Command: 0xF3, Data: write 1 byte)
[1] This bit should be reset to 0 if the DMA is enabled for any of the Interrupt OUT endpoints.
[2] This bit should be reset to 0 if the DMA is enabled for any of the Bulk OUT endpoints.
Table 349. Configu re De vice Reg ister bit description
Bit Symbol Description Reset value
0 CONF_DEVICE Device is configured. All enabled non-control endpoints will respond. This
bit is cleared by hardware when a bus reset occurs. When set, the
UP_LED signal is driven LOW if the device is not in the suspended state
7:1 - Reserved, user software should not write ones to reserved bits. The value
read from a reserved bit is not defined. NA
Table 350. S et Mo de Register bit description
Bit Symbol Value Description Reset
0 AP_CLK Always PLL Clock. 0
0 USB_NEED_CLK is functional; the 48 MHz clock can be
stopped when the device enters suspend state.
1 USB_NEED_CLK is fixed to 1; the 48 MHz clock cannot be
stopped when the device enters suspend state.
1 INAK_CI Interrupt on NAK for Control IN endpoint. 0
0 Only successful transactions generate an interrupt.
1 Both successful and NAKed IN transactions generate interrupts.
2 INAK_CO Interrupt on NAK for Control OUT endpoint. 0
0 Only successful transactions generate an interrupt.
1 Both successful and NAKed OUT transactions generate
3 INAK_II Interrupt on NAK for Interrupt IN endpoint. 0
0 Only successful transactions generate an interrupt.
1 Both successful and NAKed IN transactions generate interrupts.
4 INAK_IO[1] Interrupt on NAK for Interrupt OUT endpoints. 0
0 Only successful transactions generate an interrupt.
1 Both successful and NAKed OUT transactions generate
5 INAK_BI Interrupt on NAK for Bulk IN endpoints. 0
0 Only successful transactions generate an interrupt.
1 Both successful and NAKed IN transactions generate interrupts.
6 INAK_BO[2] Interrupt on NAK for Bulk OUT endpoints. 0
0 Only successful transactions generate an interrupt.
1 Both successful and NAKed OUT transactions generate
7 - - Reserved, user software should not write ones to reserved bits.
The value read from a reserved bit is not defined. NA