UM10237_2 © NXP B.V. 2008. All rights reserved.
User manual Rev. 02 — 19 December 2008 725 o f 792
NXP Semiconductors UM10237
Chapter 32: LPC24XX General Purpose DMA (GPDMA) controller
6.1.10 Software Single Request Register (DMACSoftSReq - 0xFFE0 4024)
The DMACSoftSReq Register is read/write and enables DMA single requests to be
generated by software. A DMA request can be generated for each source by writing a 1 to
the corresponding register bit. A register bit is cleared when the transaction has
completed. Writing 0 to this register has no effect. Reading the register indicates which
sources are requesting single DMA transfers. A request can be generated from either a
peripheral or the software request register. Table 32–663 shows the bit assignments of the
DMACSoftSReq Register.
6.1.11 Software Last Burst Request Register (DMACSoftLBreq - 0xFFE0 4028)
The DMACSoftLBReq Register is read/write and enables DMA last burst requests to be
generated by software. A DMA request can be generated for each source by writing a 1 to
the corresponding register bit. A register bit is cleared when the transaction has
completed. Writing 0 to this register has no effect. Reading the register indicates which
sources are requesting last burst DMA transfers. A request can be generated from either
a peripheral or the software request register. Table 32–664 shows the bit assignments of
the DMACSoftLBReq Register.
6.1.12 Software Last Single Request Register (DMACSoftLSReq - 0xFFE0 402C)
The DMACSoftLSReq Register is read/write and enables DMA last single requests to be
generated by software. A DMA request can be generated for each source by writing a 1 to
the corresponding register bit. A register bit is cleared when the transaction has
completed. Writing 0 to this register has no effect. Reading the register indicates which
sources are requesting last single DMA transfers. A request can be generated from either
a peripheral or the software request register. Table 32–665 shows the bit assignments of
the DMACSoftLSReq Register.
Table 663. Software Single Request reg ister (DMACSoftSReq - address 0xFFE04024) bit
Bit Symbol Description Reset
0 SoftReqSSP0Tx Single software request flag for SSP0 Tx. 0
1 SoftReqSSP0Rx Single software request flag for SSP0 Rx. 0
2 SoftReqSSP1Tx Single software request flag for SSP1 Tx. 0
3 SoftReqSSP1Rx Single software request flag for SSP1 Rx. 0
4 SoftReqSDMMC Single software request flag for SD/MMC. 0
31:5 - Reserved, user software should not write ones to reserved
bits. The value read from a reserved bit is not defined. NA
Table 664. Software Last Burst Request register (DMACSo ftLBReq - address 0xFFE04028)
bit description
Bit Symbol Description Reset
3:0 - Reserved, user software should not write ones to reserved
bits. The value read from a reserved bit is not defined. NA
4 SoftLBReqSDMMC Software last burst request flags for SD/MMC. 0
31:5 - Reserved, user software should not write ones to reserved
bits. The value read from a reserved bit is not defined. NA