UM10237_2 © NXP B.V. 2008. All rights reserved.
User manual Rev. 02 — 19 December 2008 473 o f 792
NXP Semiconductors UM10237
Chapter 18: LPC24XX CAN controllers CAN1/2
7. Memory map of the CAN block

The CAN Controllers and Acceptance Filter occupy a number of APB slots, as follows:

8. Register description

CAN block implements the registers shown in Table18–417 and Table 18–418. More

detailed descriptions follow.

Table 416. Memory map of the CAN block
Address Range Used for
0xE003 8000 - 0xE003 87FF Acceptance Filter RAM.
0xE003 C000 - 0xE003 C017 Acceptance Filter Registers.
0xE004 0000 - 0xE004 000B Central CAN Registers.
0xE004 4000 - 0xE004 405F CAN Controller 1 Registers.
0xE004 8000 - 0xE004 805F CAN Controller 2 Registers.
Table 417. Summary of CAN acceptance filter and central CAN registers
Name Description Access Reset Value Address
AFMR Acceptance Filter Register R/W 1 0xE003 C000
SFF_sa Standard Frame Individual Start Address Register R/W 0 0xE003 C004
SFF_GRP_sa Standard Frame Group Start Address Register R/W 0 0xE003 C008
EFF_sa Extended Frame Start Address Register R/W 0 0xE003 C00C
EFF_GRP_sa Extended Frame Group Start Address Register R/W 0 0xE003 C010
ENDofTable End of AF Tables register R/W 0 0xE003 C014
LUTerrAd LUT Error Address register RO 0 0xE003 C018
LUTerr LUT Error Register RO 0 0xE003C01C
FCANIE FullCAN interrupt enable regi ster R/W 0 0xE003 C020
FCANIC0 FullCAN interrupt and capture register 0 R/W 0 0xE003 C024
FCANIC1 FullCAN interrupt and capture register 1 R/W 0 0xE003 C028
CANTxSR CAN Central Transmit Status Register RO 0x00030300 0xE004 0000
CANRxSR CAN Central Receive Status Register RO 0 0xE004 0004
CANMSR CAN Central Miscellaneous Register RO 0 0xE004 0008
Table 418. Summary of CAN1 and CAN2 contr oller regis t ers
Name Description Access CAN1 Register
Address & Name CAN2 Register
Address & Name
MOD Con trols the operating mode of the CAN
Controller. R/W CAN1MOD - 0xE004 4000 CAN2MOD - 0xE004 8000
CMR Command bits that affect the state of the
CAN Controller WO CAN1CMR - 0xE004 4004 CAN2CMR - 0xE0048004
GSR Global Controller Status and Error Counters RO[1] CAN1GSR - 0xE004 4008 CAN2GSR - 0xE0048008
ICR Interrupt status, Arbitration Lost Capture,
Error Code Capture RO CAN1ICR - 0xE004 400C CAN2ICR - 0xE004 800C
IER Interrupt Enable R/W CAN1IER - 0xE004 4010 CAN2IER - 0xE004 8010
BTR Bus Timing R/W[2] CAN1BTR - 0xE004 4014 CAN2BTR - 0xE004 8014