UM10237_2 © NXP B.V. 2008. All rights reserved.
User manual Rev. 02 — 19 December 2008 250 o f 792
NXP Semiconductors UM10237
Chapter 11: LPC24XX Ethernet
to a fragment of a frame. By using fragments, scatter/gather DMA can be done: transmit
frames are gathered from multiple fragments in memory and receive frames can be
scattered to multiple fragments in memory.
By stringing together fragments it is possible to create large frames from small memory
areas. Another use of fragments is to be able to locate a frame header and frame payload
in different places and to concatenate them without copy operations in the device driver.
For transmissions, the Last bit in the descriptor Control field indicates if the fragment is the
last in a frame; for receive frames, the LastFrag bit in the StatusInfo field of the status
words indicates if the fragment is the last in the frame. If the Last(Frag) bit is 0 the next
descriptor belongs to the same Ethernet frame, If the Last(Frag) bit is 1 the next descriptor
is a new Ethernet frame.
9.5 Initialization
After reset, the Ethernet software driver needs to initialize the Ethernet block. During
initialization the software needs to:
Remove the soft reset condition from the MAC
Configure the PHY via the MIIM interface of the MAC
Select RMII or MII mode
Configure the transmit and receive DMA engines, including the descriptor arrays
Configure the host registers (MAC1,MAC2 etc.) in the MAC
Enable the receive and transmit datapaths
Depending on the PHY, the software needs to initialize registers in the PHY via the MII
Management interface. The software can read and write PHY registers by programming
the MCFG, MCMD, MADR registers of the MAC. Write data should be written to the
MWTD register; read data and status information can be read from the MRDD and MIND
The Ethernet block supports RMII and MII PHYs. During initialization software must select
MII or RMII mode by programming the Command register. After initialization, the RMII or
MII mode should not be modified.
Before switching to RMII mode the default soft reset (MAC1 register bit 15) has to be
deasserted when the Ethernet block is in MII mode . The phy_tx_clk and phy_rx_clk are
necessary during this operation. In case an RMII PHY is used (which does not provide
these clock signals), phy_tx_clk and phy_rx_clk can be connected to the phy_ref_clk.
Transmit and receive DMA engines should be initialized by the device driver by allocating
the descriptor and status arrays in memory. Transmit and receive functions have their own
dedicated descriptor and status arrays. The base addresses of these arrays need to be
programmed in the TxDescriptor/TxStatus and RxDescriptor/RxStatus registers. The
number of descriptors in an array matches the number of statuses in an array.
Please note that the transmit descriptors, receive descriptors and receive statuses are 8
bytes each while the transmit statuses are 4 bytes each. All descriptor arrays and transmit
statuses need to be aligned on 4 byte boundaries; receive status arrays need to be
aligned on 8 byte boundaries. The number of descriptors in the descriptor arrays needs to