UM10237_2 © NXP B.V. 2008. All rights reserved.
User manual Rev. 02 — 19 December 2008 467 o f 792
1. How to read this chapter
The CAN controller in available on parts LPC2458 and LPC2460/68/70/78.
2. Basic configuration
The CAN1/2 peripherals are configured using the following registers:
1. Power: In the PCONP register (Tab le 4– 63), set bits PCAN1/2.
Remark: On reset, the CAN1/2 blocks are disabled (PCAN1/2 = 0).
2. Peripheral clock: In the PCLK_SEL0 register (Table4–56), select PCLK_CAN1/2 and,
for the acceptance filter, PCLK_ACF.
Remark: If CAN baudrates above 100 kbit/s (see Table 18–425) are needed, do not
select the IRC as the clock source (see Table4–42).
3. Wakeup: Use the INTWAKE register (Table4–62) to enable the CAN controllers to
wake up the microcontroller from Power-down mode.
4. Pins: Select CAN1/2 pins and pin modes in registers PINSELn and PINMODEn (see
Section 9–5).
5. Interrupts: CAN interrupts are enabled using the CAN1/2IER registers
(Table18–424). Interrupts are enabled in the VIC using the VICIntEnable register
6. CAN controller initialization: see CANMOD register (Section 18–8.1).
3. CAN controllers
Controller Area Network (CAN) is the definition of a high performance communication
protocol for serial data communication. The CAN Controller is designed to provide a full
implementation of the CAN-Protocol according to the CAN Specification Version 2.0B.
Microcontrollers with this on-chip CAN controller are used to build powerful local networks
by supporting distributed real-time control with a very high level of security. The
applications are automotive, industrial environments, and high speed networks as well as
low cost multiplex wiring. The result is a strongly reduced wiring harness and enhanced
diagnostic and supervisory capabilities.
The CAN block is intended to support multiple CAN buses simultaneously, allowing the
device to be used as a gateway, switch, or router among a number of CAN buses in
various applications.
The CAN module consists of two elements: the controller and the Acceptance Filter. All
registers and the RAM are accessed as 32 bit words.

Chapter 18: LPC24XX CAN controllers CAN1/2

Rev. 02 — 19 December 2008 User manual