UM10237_2 © NXP B.V. 2008. All rights reserved.
User manual Rev. 02 — 19 December 2008 4 of 792
NXP Semiconductors UM10237
Chapter 1: LPC24XX Introductory information
Most features and peripherals are identical for all LPC2400 parts. All differences are listed
in Table1–2.
3. LPC2400 features
ARM7TDMI-S processor, running at up to 72 MHz.
98 kB on-chip SRAM includes:
64 kB of SRAM on the ARM local bus for high performance CPU access.
16 kB SRAM for Ethernet interface. Can also be used as general purpose SRAM.
16 kB SRAM for general purpose DMA use also accessible by the USB.
2 kB SRAM data storage powered from the RTC power domain.
LPC2458/68/78 only: 512 kB on-chip Flash program memory with In-System
Programming (ISP) and In-Application Programming (IAP) capabilities. Flash program
memory is on the ARM local bus for high performance CPU access.
Dual Advanced High-performance Bus (AHB) system allows memory access by
multiple resources and simultaneous program execution with no contention.
EMC provides support for asynchronous static memory devices such as RAM, ROM
and Flash, as well as dynamic memories such as Single Data Rate SDRAM.
Advanced Vectored Interrupt Controller (VIC), supporting up to 32 vectored interrupts.
General Purpose AHB DMA controller (GPDMA) that can be used with the SSP, I2S,
and SD/MM interface as well as for memory-to-memory transfers.
LPC2470/78 only: LCD controller, supporting both Super-Twi sted Nematic (STN) and
Thin-Film Transistors (TFT) displays.
Dedicated DMA controller.
Selectable display resolution (up to 1024 ×768 pixels).
Supports up to 24-bit true-color mode.
Serial Interfaces:
Ethernet MAC with MII/RMII interface and associated DMA controller. These
functions reside on an independent AHB bus.
USB 2.0 full-speed dual port device/host/OTG controller with on-chip PHY and
associated DMA controller.
Four UARTs with fractional baud rate generation, one with mod em contro l I/O, one
with IrDA support, all with FIFO.
CAN controller with two channels.
Table 2. Differences between LPC2400 parts
GPIO pins
LPC2458 180/136 512 kB 16-bit no
LPC2460/20 208/160 flashless 32-bit no
LPC2468 208/160 512 kB 32-bit no
LPC2470 208/160 flashless 32-bit yes
LPC2478 208/160 512 kB 32-bit yes