UM10237_2 © NXP B.V. 2008. All rights reserved.
User manual Rev. 02 — 19 December 2008 391 o f 792
NXP Semiconductors UM10237
Chapter 14: LPC24XX USB Host controller
Table 360. USB Host reg ister address definitions
Name Address R/W[1] Function Reset value
HcRevision 0xFFE0 C000 R BCD representation of the version of the HCI
specification that is implemented by the Host Controller. 0x10
HcControl 0xFFE0 C004 R/W Defines the operating modes of the HC. 0 x0
HcCommandStatus 0xFFE0 C008 R/W This register is used to receive the commands from the
Host Controller Driver (HCD). It also indicates the status
of the HC.
HcInterruptStatus 0xFFE0 C00C R/W Indicates the status on various events that cause
hardware interrupts by setting the appropriate bits. 0x0
HcInterruptEnable 0xFFE0 C010 R/W Controls t he bits in the HcInterruptStatus register and
indicates which events will generate a hardware
HcInterruptDisable 0xFFE0 C014 R/W The bits in this register are used to disable
corresponding bits in the HCInterruptStatus register and
in turn disable that event leading to hardware interrupt.
HcHCCA 0xFFE0 C018 R/W Contains the physical address of the host controller
communication area. 0x0
HcPeriodCurrentED 0xFFE0 C01C R Contains the physical ad dress of the current isochronous
or interrupt endpoint descriptor. 0x0
HcControlHeadED 0xFFE0 C020 R/W Contains the physical address of the first endpoint
descriptor of the control list. 0x0
HcControlCurrentED 0xFFE0 C024 R/W Contains the physical address of the current endpoint
descriptor of the control list 0x0
HcBulkHeadED 0xFFE0 C028 R/W Contains the physical address of the first endpoint
descriptor of the bulk list. 0x0
HcBulkCurrentED 0xFFE0 C02C R/W Contains the physical address of the current endpoint
descriptor of the bulk list. 0x0
HcDoneHead 0xFFE0 C030 R Contains the physical address of the last transfer
descriptor added to the ‘Done’ queue. 0x0
HcFmInterval 0xFFE0 C034 R/W Defines the bit time interval in a frame and the full speed
maximum packet size which would not cause an
HcFmRemaining 0xFFE0 C038 R A 14-bit counter showing the bit time remaining in the
current frame. 0x0
HcFmNumber 0xFFE0 C03C R Contains a 16-bit counter and provides the timing
reference among events happening in the HC and the
HcPeriodicStart 0xFFE0 C040 R/W Contains a programmable 14-bit value which determines
the earliest time HC should start processing a periodic
HcLSThreshold 0xFFE0 C044 R/W Contains 11-bit value which is used by the HC to
determine whether to commit to transfer a maximum of
8-byte LS packet before EOF.
HcRhDescriptorA 0xFFE0 C048 R/W First of the two registers which describes the
characteristics of the root hub. 0xFF0 00902
HcRhDescriptorB 0xFFE0 C04C R/W Second of the two registers which describes the
characteristics of the Root Hub. 0x60000h