UM10237_2 © NXP B.V. 2008. All rights reserved.
User manual Rev. 02 — 19 December 2008 481 o f 792
NXP Semiconductors UM10237
Chapter 18: LPC24XX CAN controllers CAN1/2
Bits 24-31 are captured when CAN arbitration is lost. At the same time, if the ALIE bit in CANIER is 1, the ALI bit in this register is set, and a CAN interrupt can occur. Once either of these bytes is captured, its value will remain the same until it is read, at which time it is released to capture a new value.The clearing of bits 1 to 10 and the releasing of bits 16-23 and 24-31 all occur on any read from CANxICR, regardless of whether part or all of the register is read. This means that software should always read CANxICR as a word, and process and deal with all bits of the register as appropriate for the application.
Table 423. Interr upt and Capture Register (CAN1ICR - address 0xE0 04400C, CAN2IC R -
address 0xE004 800C) bit description
Bit Symbol Value Function Reset
Value RM
[1] 0 (reset)
1 (set) Receive Interrupt. This bit is set whenever the RBS bit
in CANxSR and the RIE bit in CANxIER are both 1,
indicating that a new message was received and
stored in the Receive Buffer.
1 TI1 0 (reset)
1 (set) Transmit Interrupt 1. This bit is set when the TBS1 bit
in CANxSR goes from 0 to 1 (whenever a message
out of TXB1 was successfully transmitted or aborted),
indicating that Transmit buffer 1 is available, and the
TIE1 bit in CANxIER is 1.
2 EI 0 (reset)
1 (set) Error Warning Interrupt. This bit is set on every
change (set or clear) of either the Error Status or Bus
Status bit in CANxSR and the EIE bit bit is set within
the Interrupt Enable Register at the time of the
3 DOI 0 (reset)
1 (set) Data Overrun Interrupt. This bit is set when the DOS
bit in CANxSR goes from 0 to 1 and the DOIE bit in
CANxIER is 1.
[2] 0 (reset)
1 (set) Wake-Up Interrupt. This bit is set if the CAN controller
is sleeping and bus activity is detected and the WUIE
bit in CANxIER is 1.
5 EPI 0 (reset)
1 (set) Error Passive Interrupt. This bit is set if the EPIE bit in
CANxIER is 1, and the CAN controller switches
between Error Passive and Error Active mode in
either direction.
This is the case when the CAN Controller has reached
the Error Passive Status (at least one error counter
exceeds the CAN protocol defined level of 127) or if
the CAN Controller is in Error Passive Status and
enters the Error Active Status again.
6 ALI 0 (reset)
1 (set) Arbitration Lost Interrupt. This bit is set if the ALIE bit
in CANxIER is 1, and the CAN controller loses
arbitration while attempting to transmit. In this case
the CAN node becomes a receiver.
7 BEI 0 (reset)
1 (set) Bus Error Interrupt -- this bit is set if the BEIE bit in
CANxIER is 1, and the CAN controller detects an error
on the bus.