UM10237_2 © NXP B.V. 2008. All rights reserved.
User manual Rev. 02 — 19 December 2008 704 o f 792
NXP Semiconductors UM10237
Chapter 31: LPC24XX On-chip bootloader for flashless parts
6.6 Go <address> <mode>
6.7 Read Part Identification number
6.8 Read Boot code version number
Table 638. ISP Go co mman d
Command G
Input Address: RAM address from which the code execution is to be started. This
address should be on a word boundary.
Mode: T (Execute program in Thumb Mode) | A (Execute program in ARM mode).
Return Code CMD_SUCCESS |
Description This command is used to execute a p rogram residing in RAM memory. It may not
be possible to return to the ISP command handler once this command is
successfully executed.
Example "G 0 A<CR><LF>" branches to address 0x00000000 in ARM mode.
Table 639. ISP Rea d Part Identifica tion command
Command J
Input None.
Return Code CMD_SUCCESS followed by part identification number in ASCII (see Table 31–640
LPC24xx part Identification numbers).
Description This command is used to read the part identif ication number.
Table 640. LPC24xx part Identification numbers
Device ASCII/dec coding Hex coding
LPC2420 302049073 0x1200 E731
LPC2460 369164080 0x1600 FF30
LPC2470 386006832 0x1701 FF30
Table 641. ISP Rea d Boot Code version number command
Command K
Input None
Return Code CMD_SUCCESS followed by 2 bytes of boot code version number in ASCII format.
It is to be interpreted as <byte1(Major)>.<byte0(Minor)>.
Description This command is used to read the boot code version number.