UM10237_2 © NXP B.V. 2008. All rights reserved.
User manual Rev. 02 — 19 December 2008 729 o f 792
NXP Semiconductors UM10237
Chapter 32: LPC24XX General Purpose DMA (GPDMA) controller
Table32–672 shows the value of the 3 bit DBSize or SBSize fields and the corresponding burst sizes.
Table 671. Channel Control registers (DMACC0Control - address 0xFFE0410 C and
DMACC1Control - address 0xFFE0 412C) bit description
Bit Symbol Description Reset Value
11:0 TransferSize Transfer size. A write to this field sets the size of the transfer
when the GPDMA is the flow controller.A read from this field
indicates the number of transfers completed on the
destination bus. Reading the register when the channel is
active does not give useful information because by the time
that the software has processed the value read, the channel
might have progressed. It is intended to be used only when a
channel is enabled and then disabled.The transfer size value
is not used if the GPDMA is not the flow controller.
14:12 SBSize Source burst size. Indicates the number of transfers that
make up a source burst. This value must be set to the burst
size of the source peripheral, or if the source is memory, to
the memory boundary size. The burst size is the amount of
data that is transferred when the DMACBREQ signal goes
active in the source peripheral.
17:15 DBsize Destination burst size. Indicates the number of transfers that
make up a destination burst transfer request. This value must
be set to the burst size of the destination peripheral, or if the
destination is memory, to the memory boundary size. The
burst size is the amount of data that is transferred when the
DMACBREQ signal goes active in the destination peripheral.
20:18 SWidth Source transfer width. Transfers wider than the AHB master
bus width are illegal.The source and destination widths can
be different from each other. The hardware automatically
packs and unpacks the data as required.
23:21 DWidth Destination transfer width. Transfers wider than the AHB
master bus width are not supported.The source and
destination widths can be different from each other. The
hardware automatically packs and unpacks the data as
25:24 - Reserved, user software should not write ones to reserved
bits. The value read from a reserved bit is not defined. NA
26 SI Source increment. When set the source address is
incremented after each transfer. 0
27 DI Destination increment. Whe n set the destination address is
incremented after each transfer. 0
30:28 Prot Protection. 0
31 I Terminal count interrupt enable bit. It controls whether the
current LLI is expected to trigger the terminal count interrupt. 0
Table 672. Sou rce or destination burst size
Bit value of DBSize or SBSize Source or distention burst transfer request size
000 1
001 4
010 8
011 16