UM10237_2 © NXP B.V. 2008. All rights reserved.
User manual Rev. 02 — 19 December 2008 689 o f 792
NXP Semiconductors UM10237
Chapter 30: LPC24XX Flash memory programming firmware
9.12 Read Boot code version number
9.13 Compare <address1> <address2> <no of bytes>
9.14 ISP Return Codes
Table 617. LPC24xx part Identification numbers
Device ASCII/dec coding Hex coding
LPC2458 352386869 0x1500 FF35
LPC2468 369164085 0x1600FF35
LPC2478 386006837 0x1701 FF35
Table 618. ISP Rea d Boot Code version number command
Command K
Input None
Return Code CMD_SUCCESS followed by 2 bytes of boot code version number in ASCII format.
It is to be interpreted as <byte1(Major)>.<byte0(Minor)>.
Description This command is used to read the boot code version number.
Table 619. I SP Co mpare command
Command M
Input Address1 (DST): Starting Flash or RAM address of data bytes to be compared.
This address should be a word boundary.
Address2 (SRC): Starting Flash or RAM address of data bytes to be compared.
This address should be a word boundary.
Number of Bytes: Number of bytes to be compared; should be a multiple of 4.
Return Code CMD_SUCCESS | (Source and destination data are equal)
COMPARE_ERROR | (Followed by the offset of first mismatch)
COUNT_ERROR (Byte count is not a multiple of 4) |
Description This command is used to compare the memory contents at two locations.
Compare result may not be correct when source or destination address
contains any of the first 64 bytes starting from address zero. First 64 bytes
are re-mapped to Flash boot sector
Example "M 8192 1073741824 4<CR><LF>" compares 4 bytes from the RAM address
0x4000 0000 to the 4 bytes from the Flash address 0x2000.
Table 620. ISP Retu rn Codes Summary
Code Mnemonic Description
0 CMD_SUCCESS Command is executed successfully. Sent by ISP
handler only when command given by the host has
been completely and successfully executed.
1 INVALID_COMMAND Invalid command.
2 SRC_ADDR_ERROR Source address is not on word boundary.