UM10237_2 © NXP B.V. 2008. All rights reserved.
User manual Rev. 02 — 19 December 2008 303 o f 792
NXP Semiconductors UM10237
Chapter 12: LPC24XX LCD controller
[1] Reset Value reflects the data stored in used bits only. It does not include reserved bits content.
7.1 LCD Configuration register (LCD_CFG, RW - 0xE01F C1B8)

The LCD_CFG register controls the prescaling of the clock used for LCD data generation.

The contents of the LCD_CFG register are described in Table12–260.

7.2 Horizontal Timing register (LCD_TIMH, RW - 0xFFE1 0000)

The LCD_TIMH register controls the Horizontal Synchronization pulse Width (HSW), the

Horizontal Front Porch (HFP) period, the Horizontal Back Porch (HBP) period, and the

Pixels-Per-Line (PPL).

The contents of the LCD_TIMH register are described in Table12–261.

0xFFE1 0C04 CRSR_CFG Cursor Configuration register 0x0 R/W
0xFFE1 0C08 CRSR_PAL0 Cursor Palette register 0 0x0 R/W
0xFFE1 0C0C CRSR_PAL1 Cursor Palette register 1 0x0 R/W
0xFFE1 0C10 CRSR_XY Cursor XY Position register 0x0 R/W
0xFFE1 0C14 CRSR_CLIP Cursor Clip Position register 0x0 R/W
0xFFE1 0C20 CRSR_INTMSK Cursor Interrupt Mask register 0x0 R/W
0xFFE1 0C24 CRSR_INTCL R Cursor Interrupt Clear register 0x0 W O
0xFFE1 0C28 CRSR_INTRAW Cursor Raw Interrupt Status register 0x0 RO
0xFFE1 0C2C CRSR_INTSTAT Cursor Masked Interrupt Status register 0x0 RO
Table 259. Summary of LCD controller registers …continued
Address Name Description Reset
Table 260. LC D Con figura tion register (LCD_CFG, RW - 0xE01F C1B8)
Bits Function Description Reset
31:5 reserved Reserved, user software should not write ones to reserved bits.
The value read from a reserved bit is not defined. -
4:0 CLKDIV LCD panel clock prescaler selection.
The value in the this register plus 1 is used to divide the selected
input clock (see the CLKSEL bit in the LCD_POL register), to
produce the panel clock.