UM10237_2 © NXP B.V. 2008. All rights reserved.
User manual Rev. 02 — 19 December 2008 756 o f 792
NXP Semiconductors UM10237
Chapter 35: LPC24XX RealMonitor
;is not aware of the VIC interrupt priority hardware so trick
;rm_irqhandler2 to return here
STMFD sp!, {ip,pc}
LDR pc, rm_irqhandler2
;rm_irqhandler2 returns here
MSR cpsr_c, #0x52 ;Disable irq, move to IRQ mode
MSR spsr, r12 ;Restore SPSR from r12
STMFD sp!, {r0}
LDR r0, =VICBaseAddr
STR r1, [r0,#VICVectAddrOffset] ;Acknowledge Non Vectored irq has finished
LDMFD sp!, {r12,r14,r0} ;Restore registers
SUBS pc, r14, #4 ;Return to the interrupted instruction
5. RealMonitor build options
RealMonitor was built with the following options:
This option enables or disables support for any target-to-host packets sent on a non
RealMonitor (third-party) channel.
This option enables or disables support for all stop and start debugging features.
This option enables or disables support for software breakpoints.
Enabled for cores with EmbeddedICE-RT. This device uses ARM-7TDMI-S Rev 4 with
Enabled for cores with EmbeddedICE-RT. This device uses ARM-7TDMI-S Rev 4 with
This option enables or disables support for SWI semi-hosting. Semi-hosting provides
code running on an ARM target use of facilities on a host computer that is running an
ARM debugger. Examples of such facilities include the keyboard input, screen output,
and disk I/O.
This option determines whether the FIQ-mode registers are saved into the registers
block when RealMonitor stops.