UM10237_2 © NXP B.V. 2008. All rights reserved.
User manual Rev. 02 — 19 December 2008 311 of 792
NXP Semiconductors UM10237
Chapter 12: LPC24XX LCD controller
10 BEPO Big-Endian Pixel Ordering.
Controls pixel ordering within a byte:
0 = little-endian ordering within a byte.
1 = big-endian pixel ordering within a byte.
The BEPO bit selects between little and big-endian pixel packing
for 1, 2, and 4 bpp display modes, it has no effect on 8 or 16 bpp
pixel formats.
See Pixel serializer for more information on the data format.
9 BEBO Big-endian Byte Order.
Controls byte ordering in memory:
0 = little-endian byte order.
1 = big-endian byte order.
8 BGR Color format selection.
0 = RGB: normal output.
1 = BGR: red and blue swapped.
7 LcdDual Single or Dual LCD panel selection.
STN LCD interface is:
0 = single-panel.
1 = dual-panel.
6 LcdMono8 Monochrome LCD interface width.
This bit controls whether a monochrome STN LCD uses a 4 or
8-bit parallel interface. It has no meaning in other modes and
must be programmed to zero.
0 = monochrome LCD uses a 4-bit interface.
1 = monochrome LCD uses a 8-bit interface.
5 LcdTFT LCD panel TFT type selection.
0 = LCD is an STN display. Use gray scaler.
1 = LCD is a TFT display. Do not use gray scaler.
Table 267. LCD Control register (LCD_ CTRL , RW - 0xFFE1 0018)
Bits Function Description Reset