UM10237_2 © NXP B.V. 2008. All rights reserved.
User manual Rev. 02 — 19 December 2008 40 of 792
NXP Semiconductors UM10237
Chapter 3: LPC24XX System control
[1] Sequence based on round-robin.
4. Brown-out detection
The LPC2400 includes 2-stage monitoring of the voltage on the VDD(3V3) pins. If this
voltage falls below 2.95 V, the Brown-Out Detector (BOD) asserts an interrupt signal to
the Vectored Interrupt Controller. This signal can be enabled for interrupt in the Interrupt
Enable Register in the VIC (see Section 7–3.4 “Interrupt Enable Register (VICIntEnable -
0xFFFF F010)) in order to cause a CPU interrupt; if not, software can monitor the signal
by reading the Raw Interrupt Status Register (see Section 7–3.3 “Raw Interrupt Status
Register (VICRawIntr - 0xFFFF F008)).
The second stage of low-voltage detection asserts Reset to inactivate the LPC2400 when
the voltage on the VDD(3V3) pins falls below 2.65 V. This Reset prevents alteration of the
flash as operation of the various elements of the chip would otherwise become unreliable
due to low voltage. The BOD circuit maintains this reset down below 1 V, at which point
the Power-On Reset circuitry maintains the overall Reset.
Both the 2.95 V and 2.65 V thresholds include some hysteresis. In normal operatio n, this
hysteresis allows the 2.95 V detection to reliably interrupt, or a regularly-executed event
loop to sense the condition.
But when Brown-Out Detection is enabled to bring the LPC2400 out of Power-Down mode
(which is itself not a guaranteed operation -- see Section 4–3.4.6 “Power Mode Control
register (PCON - 0xE01F C0C0)), the supply voltage may recover from a transient before
the Wakeup Timer has completed its delay. In this case, the net result of the transient
BOD is that the part wakes up and continues operation after the instructions that set
Power-Down Mode, without any interrupt occurring and with the BOD bit in the RSID
being 0. Since all other wakeup conditions have latching flags (see Section 3–3.1.2
External Interrupt flag register (EXTINT - 0xE01F C140) and Section 26–6.2), a wakeup
of this type, without any apparent cause, can be assumed to be a Brown-Out that has
gone away.
5. Code security vs. debugging
Applications in development typically need the debugging and tracing facilities in the
LPC2400. Later in the life cycle of an application, it may be more important to protect the
application code from observation by hostile or competitive eyes. The following feature of
the LPC2400 allows an application to control whether it can be debugged or protected
from observation.
Details on the way Code Read Protection works can be found in Section 30–8 “Code
Read Protection (CRP).
Remark: CRP is not available for flashless LPC2400 parts.
Table 38. Priority sequence (bit 0 = 0): Ethernet, CPU
Bit Symbol Description Priority value nn Priority sequence
13:12 EP1 CPU 00 2[1]
18:16 EP2 Ethernet 00 1[1]