UM10237_2 © NXP B.V. 2008. All rights reserved.
User manual Rev. 02 — 19 December 2008 219 o f 792
NXP Semiconductors UM10237
Chapter 11: LPC24XX Ethernet

The third column in the table lists the accessibility of the register: read-only, write-only,


All AHB register write transactions except for accesses to the interrupt registers are

posted i.e. the AHB transaction will complete before write data is actually committed to the

register. Accesses to the interrupt registers will only be completed by accepting the write

data when the data has been committed to the register.

7.1 Ethernet MAC register definitions

This section defines the bits in the individual registers of the Ethernet block register map.

RSV 0xFFE0 0160 RO Receive status vector register.
- 0xFFE0 0164 to
0xFFE0 016C - Reserved, user software should not write ones to
reserved bits. The value read from a reserved bit
is not defined.
FlowControlCounter 0xFFE0 0170 R/W Flo w control counter register.
FlowControlStatus 0xFFE0 0174 RO Flow control status register.
- 0xFFE0 0178 to
0xFFE0 01FC - Reserved, user software should not write ones to
reserved bits. The value read from a reserved bit
is not defined.
Rx filter registers
RxFliterCtrl 0xFFE0 0200 Receive filter control register.
RxFilterWoLStatus 0xFFE0 0204 Receive filter WoL status register.
RxFilterWoLClear 0xFFE0 0208 Receive filter WoL clear register.
- 0xFFE0 020C - Reserved, user software should not write ones to
reserved bits. The value read from a reserved bit
is not defined.
HashFilterL 0xFFE0 0210 Hash filter table LSBs register.
HashFilterH 0xFFE0 0214 Hash filter table MSBs register.
- 0xFFE0 0218 to
0xFFE0 0FDC - Reserved, user software should not write ones to
reserved bits. The value read from a reserved bit
is not defined.
Module control registers
IntStatus 0xFFE0 0FE0 RO Interrupt status register.
IntEnable 0xFFE0 0FE4 R/W Interrupt enable register.
IntClear 0xFFE00FE8 WO Interrupt clear register.
IntSet 0xFFE0 0FEC WO Interrupt set register.
- 0xFFE0 0FF0 - Reserved, user software should not write ones to
reserved bits. The value read from a reserved bit
is not defined.
PowerDown 0xFFE0 0FF4 R/W Power-down register.
- 0xFFE0 0FF8 - Reserved, user software should not write ones to
reserved bits. The value read from a reserved bit
is not defined.
Table 186. Summary of Ethernet registers
Symbol Address R/W Description