UM10237_2 © NXP B.V. 2008. All rights reserved.
User manual Rev. 02 — 19 December 2008 523 o f 792
NXP Semiconductors UM10237
Chapter 18: LPC24XX CAN controllers CAN1/2
FullCAN explicit standard frame format identfier section (11-bit CAN ID)
The start address of the FullCAN Explicit Standard Frame Format Identifier section is
(automatically) set to 0x00. The end of this section is defined in the SFF_sa register. In the
FullCAN ID section only identifiers of FullCAN Object are stored for acceptance filtering.
In this section two CAN Identifiers with their Source CAN Channels (SCC) share one
32-bit word. Not used or disabled CAN Identifiers can be marked by setting the message
disable bit. The FullCAN Object data for each defined identifier can be found in the
FullCAN Message Object section. In case of an identifier match during the acceptance
filter process, the received FullCAN message object data is moved from the Receive
Buffer of the appropriate CAN Controller into the FullCAN Message Object section. To
provide memory space for eight FullCAN, Explicit Standard Frame Format identifiers, the
SFF_sa register value is set to 0x10. The identifier with the Index 1 of this section is not
used and therefore disabled.
Explicit standard frame format identifier section (11-bit CAN ID)
The start address of the Explicit Standard Frame Format section is defined in the SFF_sa
register with the value of 0x10. The end of this section is defined in the End of Table
address register (ENDofTable). In the explicit Standard Frame Format section of the ID
Look-up Table two CAN Identifiers with their Source CAN Channel (SCC) share one 32-bit
word. Not used or disabled CAN Identifiers can be marked by setting the message disable
bit. To provide memory space for eight Explicit Standard Frame Format identifiers, the
ENDofTable register value is set to 0x20.
FullCAN message object data section
The start address of the FullCAN Message Object Data section is defined with the
ENDofTable register. The number of enabled FullCAN identifiers is limited to the available
memory space in the FullCAN Message Object Data section. Each defined FullCAN
Message needs three address lines for the Message Data in the FullCAN Message Object
Data section. The FullCAN Message Object section is organized in that way, that each
Index number of the FullCAN Identifier section corresponds to a Message Object Number
in the FullCAN Message Object section.