UM10237_2 © NXP B.V. 2008. All rights reserved.
User manual Rev. 02 — 19 December 2008 488 o f 792
NXP Semiconductors UM10237
Chapter 18: LPC24XX CAN controllers CAN1/2
5 TS1 Transmit Status 1. 1 0
0(idle) There is no transmissio n from Tx Buffer 1.
1(transmit) The CAN Controller is transmitting a message from Tx Buffer 1.
6 ES Error Status. This bit is identical to the ES bit in the CANxGSR. 0 0
7 BS Bus Status. This bit is identical to the BS bit in the CANxGSR. 0 0
8 RBS Receive Buffer Status. This bit is identical to the RBS bit in the CANxGSR. 0 0
9 DOS Data Overrun Status. This bit is identical to the DOS bit in the CANxGSR. 0 0
10 TBS2[1] Transmit Buffer Status 2. 1 1
0(locked) Software cannot access the Tx Buffer 2 nor write to the corresponding
CANxTFI, CANxTID, CANxTDA, and CANxTDB registers because a
message is either waiting for transmission or is in transmitting process.
1(released) Software may write a message into the Transmit Buffer 2 and its CANxTFI,
CANxTID, CANxTDA, and CANxTDB registers.
11 TCS2 [2] Transmission Complete Status. 1 x
0(incomplete) The previously requested transmission for Tx Buffer 2 is not complete.
1(complete) The previously requested transmission for Tx Buffer 2 has been successfully
12 RS Receive Status. This bit is identical to the RS bit in the GSR. 1 0
13 TS2 Transmit Status 2. 1 0
0(idle) There is no transmissio n from Tx Buffer 2.
1(transmit) The CAN Controller is transmitting a message from Tx Buffer 2.
14 ES Error Status. This bit is identical to the ES bit in the CANxGSR. 0 0
15 BS Bus Status. This bit is identical to the BS bit in the CANxGSR. 0 0
16 RBS Receive Buffer Status. This bit is identical to the RBS bit in the CANxGSR. 0 0
17 DOS Data Overrun Status. This bit is identical to the DOS bit in the CANxGSR. 0 0
18 TBS3[1] Transmit Buffer Status 3. 1 1
0(locked) Software cannot access the Tx Buffer 3 nor write to the corresponding
CANxTFI, CANxTID, CANxTDA, and CANxTDB registers because a
message is either waiting for transmission or is in transmitting process.
1(released) Software may write a message into the Transmit Buffer 3 and its CANxTFI,
CANxTID, CANxTDA, and CANxTDB registers.
19 TCS3[2] Transmission Complete Status. 1 x
0(incomplete) The previously requested transmission for Tx Buffer 3 is not complete.
1(complete) The previously requested transmission for Tx Buffer 3 has been successfully
20 RS Receive Status. This bit is identical to the RS bit in the GSR. 1 0
21 TS3 Transmit Status 3. 1 0
0(idle) There is no transmissio n from Tx Buffer 3.
1(transmit) The CAN Controller is transmitting a message from Tx Buffer 3.
Table 427. Status Register (CAN1SR - address 0xE004401C, CAN2SR - address 0xE0 04 801C) bit description
Bit Symbol Value Function Reset
Value RM