UM10237_2 © NXP B.V. 2008. All rights reserved.
User manual Rev. 02 — 19 December 2008 316 o f 792
NXP Semiconductors UM10237
Chapter 12: LPC24XX LCD controller
Each word location contains two palette entries. This means that 128 word locations are
used for the palette. When configured for little-endian byte ordering, bits [15:0] are the
lower numbered palette entry and [31:16] are the higher numbered palette entry. When
configured for big-endian byte ordering this is reversed, because bits [31:16] are the low
numbered palette entry and [15:0] are the high numbered entry.
Note: Only TFT displays use all of the palette entry bits.
The contents of the LCD_PAL register are described in Table 12–274.
7.16 Cursor Image registers (CRSR_IMG, RW - 0xFFE1 0800 to 0xFFE1 0BFC)
The CRSR_IMG register area contains 256-word wide values which are used to define
the image or images overlaid on the display by the hardware cursor mechanism. The
image must always be stored in LBBP mode (little-endian byte, big-endian pixel) mode, as
described in Image format on page 2-19. Two bits are used to encode color and
transparency for each pixel in the cursor.
Depending on the state of bit 0 in the CRSR_CFG register (see Cursor Configuration
register description), the cursor image RAM contains either four 32x32 cursor images, or
a single 64x64 cursor image.
The two colors defined for the cursor are mapped onto values from the CRSR_PAL0 and
CRSR_PAL0 registers (see Cursor Palette register descriptions).
The contents of the CRSR_IMG register are described in Table12–275.
Table 274. Co lo r Pale tte registers (LCD_PAL, RW - 0xFFE1 0200 to 0xFFE1 03FC)
Bits Function Description Reset
31 I Intensity / unused bit.
Can be used as the LSB of the R, G, and B inputs to a 6:6:6 TFT
display, doubling the number of colors to 64K, where each color
has two different intensities.
30:26 B[4:0] Blue palette data. 0x0
25:21 G[4:0] Green palette data. 0x0
20:16 R[4:0] Red palette data.
For STN displays, only the four MSBs, bits [4:1], are used. For
monochrome displays only the red palette data is used. All of the
palette registers have the same bit fields.
15 I Intensity / unused bit.
Can be used as the LSB of the R, G, and B inputs to a 6:6:6 TFT
display, doubling the number of colors to 64K, where each color
has two different intensities.
14:10 B[4:0] Blue palette data. 0x0
9:5 G[4:0] Green palette data. 0x0
4:0 R[4:0] Red palette data.
For STN displays, only the four MSBs, bits [4:1], are used. For
monochrome displays only the red palette data is used. All of the
palette registers have the same bit fields.