UM10237_2 © NXP B.V. 2008. All rights reserved.
User manual Rev. 02 — 19 December 2008 39 of 792
NXP Semiconductors UM10237
Chapter 3: LPC24XX System control
[1] Allowed values for nn are: 10 (high priority) and 01 (low priority). Examples of AHB2 settings
Table 36. AHB Arbiter Configuration register 2 (AHBCFG2 - address 0xE01F C18C) bit
Bit Symbol Value Description Reset
0 sch eduler 0 Priority scheduling. 1
1 Uniform (round-robin) scheduling.
2:1 break_burst 00 Break all defined length bursts (the CPU does not create
defined bursts). 10
01 Break all defined length bursts greater than four-beat.
10 Break all defined length bursts greater than eight-beat.
11 Never break defined length bursts.
3 quantu m_type 0 A quantum is an AHB clock. 0
1 A quantum is an AHB bus cycle.
7:4 quantum_size Controls the type of arbitration and the number of quanta
before re-arbiration occurs. 0100
0000 Preemptive, re-arbitrate after 1 AHB quantum.
0001 Preemptive, re-arbitrate after 2 AHB quanta.
0010 Preemptive, re-arbitrate after 4 AHB quanta.
0011 Preemptive, re-arbitrate after 8 AHB quanta.
0100 Preemptive, re-arbitrate after 16 AHB quanta.
0101 Preemptive, re-arbitrate after 32 AHB quanta.
0110 Preemptive, re-arbitrate after 64 AHB quanta.
0111 Preemptive, re-arbitrate after 128 AHB quanta.
1000 Preemptive, re-arbitrate after 256 AHB quanta.
1001 Preemptive, re-arbitrate after 512 AHB quanta.
1010 Preemptive, re-arbitrate after 1024 AHB quanta.
1011 Preemptive, re-arbitrate after 2048 AHB quanta.
1100 Preemptive, re-arbitrate after 4096 AHB quanta.
1101 Preemptive, re-arbitrate after 8192 AHB quanta.
1110 Preemptive, re-arbitrate after 16384 AHB quanta.
1111 Non- preemptive, infinite AHB quanta.
9:8 default_master nn Master 2 (Ethernet) is the default master. 01
13:12 EP1 nn External priority for master 1 (CPU). 00
17:16 EP2 nn External priority for master 2 (Ethernet). 00
31:18 - - Reserved. User software should not write ones to
reserved bits. The value read from a reserved bit is not
Table 37. Priority sequence (bit 0 = 0): Ethernet, CPU
Bit Symbol Description Priority value nn Priority sequence
13:12 EP1 CPU 10 (2) 1
18:16 EP2 Ethernet 01 (1) 2