UM10237_2 © NXP B.V. 2008. All rights reserved.
User manual Rev. 02 — 19 December 2008 638 o f 792
NXP Semiconductors UM10237
Chapter 25: LPC24XX Pulse Width Modulator PWM0/PWM1
Table 557. PWM0 and PWM1 register map
Name Description Access Reset
Value[1] PW M0 Address
& Name PWM1 Address
& Name
IR Interrupt Register. The IR can be written to clear
interrupts. The IR can be read to identify which of eight
possible interrupt sources are pending.
R/W 0 0xE0014000
PWM0IR 0xE001 8000
TCR Timer Control Register. The TCR is used to control the
Timer Counter functions. The Timer Counter can be
disabled or reset through the TCR.
R/W 0 0xE0014004
PWM0TCR 0xE001 8004
TC Timer Counter. The 32 bit TC is incremented every PR+1
cycles of PCLK. The TC is controlled through the TCR. R/W 0 0xE001 4008
PWM0TC 0xE001 8008
PR Prescale Register. The TC is incremented every PR+1
cycles of PCLK. R/W 0 0xE001400C
PWM0PR 0xE001 800C
PC Prescale Counter. The 32 bit PC is a counter which is
incremented to the value stored in PR. When the value in
PR is reached, the TC is incremented. The PC is
observable and controllable through the bus interface.
R/W 0 0xE0004010
PWM0PC 0xE001 8010
MCR Match Control Register. The MCR is used to control if an
interrupt is generated and if the TC is reset when a Match
R/W 0 0xE0014014
PWM0MCR 0xE001 8014
MR0 Match Register 0. MR0 can be enabled in the MCR to
reset the TC, stop both the TC and PC, and/or generate
an interrupt when it matches the TC. In addition, a match
between this value and the TC sets any PWM output that
is in single-edge mode, and sets PWM1 if it’s in
double-edge mode.
R/W 0 0xE0014018
PWM0MR0 0xE001 8018
MR1 Match Register 1. MR1 can be enabled in the MCR to
reset the TC, stop both the TC and PC, and/or generate
an interrupt when it matches the TC. In addition, a match
between this value and the TC clears PWM1 in either
edge mode, and sets PWM2 if it’s in double-edge mode.
R/W 0 0xE001401C
PWM0MR1 0xE001 801C
MR2 Match Register 2. MR2 can be enabled in the MCR to
reset the TC, stop both the TC and PC, and/or generate
an interrupt when it matches the TC. In addition, a match
between this value and the TC clears PWM2 in either
edge mode, and sets PWM3 if it’s in double-edge mode.
R/W 0 0xE0014020
PWM0MR2 0xE001 8020
MR3 Match Register 3. MR3 can be enabled in the MCR to
reset the TC, stop both the TC and PC, and/or generate
an interrupt when it matches the TC. In addition, a match
between this value and the TC clears PWM3 in either
edge mode, and sets PWM4 if it’s in double-edge mode.
R/W 0 0xE0014024
PWM0MR3 0xE001 8024
CCR Capture Control Register. The CCR controls which edges
of the capture inputs are used to load the Capture
Registers and whether or not an interrupt is generated
when a capture takes place.
R/W 0 0xE0014028
PWM0CCR 0xE001 8028
CR0 Capture Register 0. PWMn CR0 is loade d with the value
of the TC when there is an event on the CAPn.0 input. RO 0 0xE001 402C
CR1 Capture Register 1. See CR0 description. RO 0 0xE001 4030
PWM0CR1 0xE001 8030