UM10237_2 © NXP B.V. 2008. All rights reserved.
User manual Rev. 02 — 19 December 2008 746 o f 792
NXP Semiconductors UM10237
Chapter 34: LPC24XX Embedded Trace Module (ETM)
6. Reset state of multiplexed pins

On the LPC2400, the ETM pin functions are multiplexed with GPIO, PWM, UART, and

CAN functions. In order to use the trace feature, the pins must be configured to select the

function. For details see Section 9–5.11.

Table 682. ETM Regis t ers
Name Description Access Register
ETM Control Controls the general operation of the ETM. R/W 000 0000
ETM Configuration Code Allows a debugger to read the numb er of
each type of resource. RO 000 0001
Trigger Event Holds the cont rolling event. WO 0 000010
Memory Map Decode Control Eight bit register, used to statically configure
the memory map decoder. WO 000 0011
ETM Status Holds the pending overflow status bit. RO 0000100
System Configuration Holds the configuration information using the
SYSOPT bus. RO 000 0101
Trace Enable Control 3 Holds the trace on/off addresses. WO 000 0110
Trace Enable Control 2 Holds the address of the comparison. WO 000 0111
Trace Enable Event Holds the enabling event. WO 000 1000
Trace Enable Control 1 Holds the include and exclude regions. WO 000 1001
FIFOFULL Region Ho lds the include and exclude regions. WO 000 1010
FIFOFULL Level Holds the level below which the FIFO is
considered full. WO 000 1011
ViewData event Holds the enabling event. WO 000 1100
ViewData Control 1 Holds the include/exclude regions. WO 0 00 1101
ViewData Control 2 Holds the include/exclude regions. WO 000 1110
View Data Cont rol 3 Hol ds th e in c lud e/ex clud e reg ions . W O 00 0 1111
Address Comparator 1 to 16 Holds the address of the comparison. WO 001 xxxx
Address Access Type 1 to 16 Holds the type of access and the size. WO 010 xxxx
Reserved - - 000 xxxx
Reserved - - 100 xxxx
Initial Counter Value 1 to 4 Holds the initial value of the counter. WO 101 00xx
Counter Enable 1 to 4 Holds the count er clock ena ble control and
event. WO 101 01xx
Counter reload 1 to 4 Ho l ds th e counter reload event. WO 101 10xx
Counter Value 1 to 4 Holds the current counter value. RO 10111xx
Sequencer State and Control Holds the next state triggering events. - 11000xx
External Output 1 to 4 Holds the controlli ng events for each output. WO 110 10xx
Reserved - - 110 11xx
Reserved - - 111 0xxx
Reserved - - 1111xxx