UM10237_2 © NXP B.V. 2008. All rights reserved.
User manual Rev. 02 — 19 December 2008 306 o f 792
NXP Semiconductors UM10237
Chapter 12: LPC24XX LCD controller
7.4 Clock and Signal Polarity register (LCD_POL, RW - 0xFFE1 0008)

The LCD_POL register controls various details of clock timing and signal polarity.

The contents of the LCD_POL register are described in Table12–263.

23:16 VFP Vertical front porch.
This is the number of inactive lines at the end of a frame, before
the vertical synchronization period. The 8-bit VFP field specifies
the number of line clocks to insert at the end of each frame.
When a complete frame of pixels is transmitted to the LCD
display, the value in VFP is used to count the number of line
clock periods to wait.
After the count has elapsed, the vertical synchronization signal,
LCDFP, is asserted in active mode, or extra line clocks are
inserted as specified by the VSW bit-field in passive mode. VFP
generates 0–255 line clock cycles. Program to zero on passive
displays for improved contrast.
15:10 VSW Vertical synchronization pulse width.
This is the number of horizontal synchronization lines. The 6-bit
VSW field specifies the pulse width of the vertical
synchronization pulse. Program the register with the number of
lines required, minus one.
The number of horizontal synchronization lines must be small
(for example, program to zero) for passive STN LCDs. The
higher the value the worse the contrast on STN LCDs.
9:0 LPP Lines per panel.
This is the number of active lines per screen. The LPP field
specifies the total number of lines or rows on the LCD panel
being controlled. LPP is a 10-bit value allowing between 1 and
1024 lines. Program the register with the number of lines per
LCD panel, minus 1. For dual panel displays, program the
register with the number of lines on each of the upper and lower
Table 262. Vertical Timing register (LCD_TIMV, RW - 0xFFE1 0004)
Bits Function Description Reset
Table 263. Clock and Signal Polarity regis t er (LCD_ POL, RW - 0xFFE1 0008)
Bits Function Description Reset
31:27 PCD_HI Upper f ive bits of panel clock divisor.
See description for PCD_LO, in bits [4:0] of this register.
26 BCD Bypass pixel clock divider.
Setting this to 1 bypasses the pixel clock divider logic. This is
mainly used for TFT displays.
25:16 CPL Clocks per line.
This field specifies the number of actual LCDDCLK clocks to the
LCD panel on each line. This is the number of PPL divided by
either 1 (for TFT), 4 or 8 (for monochrome passive), 2 2/3 (for
color passive), minus one. This must be correctly programmed in
addition to the PPL bit in the LCD_TIMH register for the LCD
display to work correctly.