UM10237_2 © NXP B.V. 2008. All rights reserved.
User manual Rev. 02 — 19 December 2008 701 o f 792
NXP Semiconductors UM10237
Chapter 31: LPC24XX On-chip bootloader for flashless parts
6. ISP commands
The following commands are accepted by the ISP command handler. Detailed status
codes are supported for each command. The command handler sends the return code
INVALID_COMMAND when an undefined command is received. Commands and return
codes are in ASCII format.
CMD_SUCCESS is sent by ISP command handler only when received ISP command has
been completely executed and the new ISP command can be given by the host.
Exceptions from this rule are "Set Baud Rate", "Write to RAM", "Read Memory", and "Go"

6.1 Unlock <Unlock code>

6.2 Set Baud Rate <Baud Rate> <stop bit>

Table 631. ISP co mmand summary
ISP Command Usage Described in
Unlock U <Unlock Code> Table31–632
Set Baud Rate B <Baud Rate> <stop bit> Table31–633
Echo A <setting> Table 31–635
Write to RAM W <start address> <number of bytes> Table 31–636
Read Memory R <address> <number of bytes> Table 31–637
Go G <address> <Mode> Table 31–638
Read Part ID J Table 31–639
Read Boot code version K Table 31–641
Compare M <address1> <address2> <numbe r of bytes> Table31–642
Table 632. I SP Un lock command
Command U
Input Unlock code: 2313010
Return Code CMD_SUCCESS |
Description This command is used to unlock the Go command.
Example "U 23130<CR><LF>" unlocks the Go command.
Table 633. ISP Set Bau d Rate co mma nd
Command B
Input Baud Rate: 9600 | 19200 | 38400 | 57600 | 115200 | 230400
Stop bit: 1 | 2