UM10237_2 © NXP B.V. 2008. All rights reserved.
User manual Rev. 02 — 19 December 2008 443 o f 792
1. Basic configuration
The UART1 peripheral is configured using the following registers:
1. Power: In the PCONP register (Tab le 4– 63), set bits PCUART1.
Remark: On reset, UART1 is enabled (PCUART1 = 1).
2. Peripheral clock: In the PCLK_SEL0 register (Table4–56), select PCLK_UART1.
3. Baud rate: In register U1LCR (Table 17–405), set bit DLAB =1. This enables access
to registers DLL (Table17–399) and DLM (Table 17–400) for setting the baud rate.
Also, if needed, set the fractional baud rate in the fractional divider register
4. UART FIFO: Use bit FIFO enable (bit 0) in register U0FCR (Table17–404) to enable
5. Pins: Select UART pins and pin modes in registers PINSELn and PINMODEn (see
Section 9–5).
Remark: UART receive pins should not have pull-down resistors enabled.
6. Interrupts: To enable UART interrupts set bit DLAB =0 in register U1LCR
(Table17–405). This enables access to U1IER (Table 17–401). Interrupts are enabled
in the VIC using the VICIntEnable register (Table7–106).
2. Features
UART1 is identical to UART0/2/3, with the addition of a modem interface.
16 byte Receive and Transmit FIFOs.
Register locations conform to ‘550 industry standard.
Receiver FIFO trigger points at 1, 4, 8, and 14 bytes.
Built-in baud rate generator.
Standard modem interface signals included (CTS, DCD, DTS, DTR, RI, RTS).
LPC2400 UART1 allows for implementation of either software or hardware flow
Chapter 17: LPC24XX Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART) 1
Rev. 02 — 19 December 2008 User manual