UM10237_2 © NXP B.V. 2008. All rights reserved.
User manual Rev. 02 — 19 December 2008 536 o f 792
1. Basic configuration
The SSP0/1 interfaces are configured using the following registers:
1. Power: In the PCONP register (Tab le 4– 63), set bit PCSSP0/1.
Remark: On reset, both SSP interfaces are enabled (PCSSP0/1 = 1).
2. Clock: In PCLK_SEL0 select PCLK_SSP1; in PCLK_SEL1 select PCLK_SSP0 (see
Section 4–3.3.4. In master mode, the clock must be scaled down (see
Section 20–6.5).
3. Pins: Select SSP pins and their modes in PINSEL0 to PINSEL4 and PINMODE0 to
PINMODE4 (see Section 9–5).
4. Interrupts: Interrupts are enabled in the S0SPINT register Table20–476. Interrupts
are enabled in the VIC using the VICIntEnable register (Table7–106).
Remark: In the VIC, the SSP0 shares its interrupts with the SPI interface.
5. Initialization: see Table 20–471 and Table20–472.
2. Features
Compatible with Motorola SPI, 4-wire TI SSI, and National Semiconductor Microwire
Synchronous Serial Communication.
Master or slave operation.
8 frame FIFOs for both transmit and receive.
4 to 16 bits frame.
DMA transfers supported by GPDMA.
3. Description
The SSP is a Synchronous Serial Port (SSP) controller capable of operation on a SPI,
4-wire SSI, or Microwire bus. It can interact with multiple masters and slaves on the bus.
Only a single master and a single slave can communicate on the bus during a given data
transfer. Data transfers are in principle full duplex, with frames of 4 to 16 bits of data
flowing from the master to the slave and from the slave to the master. In practice it is often
the case that only one of these data flows carries meaningful data.
LPC2400 has two Synchronous Serial Port controllers -- SSP0 and SSP1.
Chapter 20: LPC24XX SSP interface SSP0/1
Rev. 02 — 19 December 2008 User manual