| Message | Causes and solutions |
| Memory is full. Cannot scan. The | Because of insufficient hard disk |
| scanned data will be deleted. | space, the first page could not be |
| scanned. Try one of the following |
| measures: |
| • Wait for a while, and then retry |
| the scan operation. |
| • Reduce the scan area or scanning |
| resolution. |
| • Delete unneeded stored files. |
| Memory is full. Press [Send] to send | Because there is not enough free |
| the current scanned data, or press | hard disk space in the machine for |
| [Cancel] to delete. | delivering or sending by |
| while storing into the Document |
| Server, only some of the pages could |
| be scanned. Specify whether to use |
| the data or not. |
| Memory is full. Scanning has been can- | Because there is not enough free |
| celled. Do you want to store the | hard disk space in the machine for |
| scanned data? | storing into the Document Server, |
| only some of the pages could be |
| scanned. Specify whether to use the |
| data or not. |
| No HDD is available for this function. | Files can be stored with TWAIN by |
| Cannot store. Set original and select | switching to the network TWAIN |
| the TWAIN settings from the PC. | scanner function. |
| Original is being scanned by another | The machine is using another func- |
| function. | tion such as copying. Retry scanning |
| after the operation with the other |
| function is completed. |
9 |
| Out of paper in.... Load paper of the | Load paper in the tray indicated. |
| ||
| following size. |
| ||
| Output buffer is full. Sending the | Too many files are waiting to be de- |
| data has been cancelled. Please try | livered. Please try again after they |
| again later. | have been delivered. |
| Selected file is currently in use. | The name of a file that is being edited |
| Cannot change file name. | with DeskTopBinder V2 Lite/Pro- |
| fessional or that is waiting for deliv- |
| ery cannot be changed. Try the |
| operation again after editing is fin- |
| ished or delivery is canceled. |
| Selected file is currently in use. | The password of a file that is being |
| Cannot change password. | edited with DeskTopBinder V2 |
| Lite/Professional or that is waiting |
| for delivery cannot be changed. Try |
| the operation again after editing is |
| finished or delivery is canceled. |