Message | Causes and solutions |
Captured file exceeded max. number of | The maximum number of pages |
pages per file. Cannot send the | which can be stored as a single file is |
scanned data. | 1000. Reduce the number of pages |
| and send them again. |
Connection with LDAP server has | A network error has occurred and |
failed. Check the server status. | connection has failed. Try the opera- |
| tion once more. If the message is still |
| shown, the network may be crowd- |
| ed. Check the information of System |
| Settings. |
Entered protection code for destina- | Make sure the protection code is cor- |
tion is incorrect. Please | rect, and then enter it again. |
Exceeded max. data capacity. Check the | Specify the scan size and resolution |
scanning resolution, then press Start | again. Note that it may not be possi- |
again. | ble to scan very large originals at a |
| high resolution. See p.99 “Relation- |
| ship between Resolution and File |
| Size”. |
Exceeded max. data capacity. Check the | Specify the scan size and resolution |
scanning resolution, then reset nnn | again. Note that it may not be possi- |
original(s). | ble to scan very large originals at a |
Note | high resolution. See p.99 “Relation- |
ship between Resolution and File | |
r “nnn” in the message represents changeable | Size”. |
number. |
Exceeded max. | • Increase the size of [Max. |
mail has been cancelled. Check [Max. | Size]. |
• Set [Divide & Send | |
| (per Page)] or [Yes (per Max. Size)]. |
Exceeded max. file capacity. Delete | The maximum number of files that |
the unnecessary stored files. | can be stored is 3000. Reduce the |
| number of files or delete unneeded |
| files. |
Exceeded max. No. of search results | Search again after changing the |
which can be displayed. | search conditions. |
Max.: nnn |
Note |
r “nnn” in the message represents changeable |
number. |
Exceeded max. number of alphanumeric | Make sure the maximum number of |
characters. | characters which can be entered, and |
| then enter it again. |