| Troubleshooting |
Message | Causes and solutions |
Exceeded max. number of alphanumeric | The maximum number of characters |
characters for the path. | which can be entered for path is 128. |
| Check the number of character you |
| entered, and then enter it again. |
Exceeded max. number of files which | The number of files exceeded the |
can be sent at the same time. Reduce | maximum number possible. Reduce |
the number of the selected files. | the number of files and send them |
| again. |
Exceeded max. number of files which | Make sure the files stored by the oth- |
can be used in Document Server at the | er functions, and then delete un- |
same time. | needed files. |
Exceeded max. number of pages per | The maximum number of pages per |
file. Do you want to store the scanned | file is 1000. Specify whether to use |
pages as 1 file? | the data or not. Scan the pages that |
| were not scanned and store them as |
| a new file. |
Exceeded max. number of standby files. | There are 100 files waiting in the |
Try again after the current file is | sending queue for |
sent. | Folder, or delivery function. Wait |
| until files have been sent. |
Exceeded max. number of stored files. | The maximum number of files that |
Cannot send the scanned data as cap- | can be stored in Document Server is |
turing files is unavailable. | 3000. Reduce the number of files or |
| delete unneeded files. |
Exceeded max. page capacity per file. | Because the number of pages has |
Press [Send] to send the scanned data, | reached the maximum number that |
or press [Cancel] to delete. | can be sent, the data up to this point |
| is sent. Scan the remaining pages af- |
| ter transmission. |
Exceeded time limit for LDAP server | A network error has occurred and |
| 9 |
search. Check the server status. | connection has failed. Try the opera- |
| ||
| tion once more. If the message is still |
| shown, the network may be crowd- |
| ed. |
| Check the information of System Set- |
| tings. |
LDAP server authentication has | Make settings correctly for the user |
failed. Check the settings. | name and the password for LDAP |
| server authentication. |
Load paper of the following sizes.Re- | Load paper of the sizes listed in the |
quired: 11 x 17S 81/2 x 14S 81/2 x | message. |
11R 81/2 x 11S |