X20 Sprayer Reference Manual
terms set out in this manual, or (b) your negligence or wrongful act or omission in respect of the product.
These Terms and Conditions may be amended, modified, super- seded or cancelled, at any time by TPA. These Terms and Condi- tions will be governed by, and construed in accordance with:
-the laws of South Australia if the product is sold and supplied to you in Australia (in which case the courts of South Australia or the Federal Court of Australia (Adelaide Registry) have exclusive jurisdiction in respect of any claim or dispute); or
-the laws of the State of California if the product is sold and sup- plied to you outside of Australia.
All information, illustrations, and applications contained herein are based on the latest available information at the time of pub- lication. TPA reserves the right to make product changes at any time without notice.
If any part of these Terms and Conditions would be unenforce- able, the provision must be read down to the extent necessary to avoid that result, and if the provision cannot be read down to that extent, it must be severed without affecting the validity and enforceability of the remainder of these Terms and Conditions.
Comments, suggestions, and questions about TPA products are welcomed. Contact your local TPA representative or a represent- ative at our corporate facility.
Topcon Precision Agriculture
14 Park Way
Mawson Lakes, South Australia 5095.
Phone: +61 8 8203 3300
Fax: +61 8 8203 3399
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