X20 Sprayer Reference Manual
Installing the Spray ECU 30S Kits to an Existing Topcon Precision Agriculture Controller
This section is for users who are replacing an existing Topcon Precision Agriculture (I.E. KEE) MK3, MK5 Sprayer console or Spray Rate Interface.
Before Removing the Existing Controller
1.Ensure that the system is functioning correctly
2.Run the Sprayer and record the minimum and maximum pressure and flow rates attainable
3.Record all of the calibration factors
4.Record all of the section width values.
Removing the Existing Controller
1.Remove the existing TPA Spray Rate Controller console or TPA Spray Rate Interface
2.Remove the existing Tractor Harness.
Installing the Spray ECU 30S Kits
1.Connect the Tractor Harness to Connector 1 on the Spray ECU (Figure
The Tractor Adaptor Harness connects to the Spray ECU and runs the Harness as far as the drawBar of the tractor or vehicle, where a breakaway is attached so the vehicle can be easily detached from the trailing Sprayer.
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