About This Document
Intended Audiences
This document is designed primarily for the
Secondary audiences include the AT&T personnel shown in the following list.
■Field support
■The Technical Service Center (TSC)
■Provisioning project managers
■The Sales and Technical Resource Center (STRC)
■Helpline personnel
■Factory assemble, load, and test (ALT) personnel
Prerequisite Skills or Knowledge
Typical readers should understand AT&T computer systems, switches, and hardware and software installation procedures. AT&T provides and recommends INTUITY system training for customers. Customers should be familiar with the NEAX switch or contact their switch vendor.
Document Organization
■Chapter 1, "Introduction and Requirements for Integration", explains the INTUITY configuration and includes a component connectivity diagram that shows you each component in the configuration. The chapter also contains a hardware and software component checklist.
■Chapter 2, "Switch Integration Device Basics", explains the basic components of the SID and how to use the system forms or screens. The chapter contains SID hardware component descriptions and illustrations, menu, edit, and action form explanations, and provides basic help functions.
■Chapter 3, "Switch Integration Planning", helps you plan, track, and record the switch integration. The chapter includes instructions for completing SID and switch integration worksheets that you use throughout the document as you complete the integration.
xiiIssue 2 December 1995