See data service unit.
See data terminal equipment.
See data terminal ready.
dual in-line package (DIP) switch
A very small switch, usually attached to a printed circuit card, in which there are only two settings: on or off (or 0 or 1). DIP switches are used to configure the card in a semipermanent way.
electrostatic discharge (ESD)
Discharge of a static charge on a surface or body through a conductive path to ground. An ESD can be damaging to integrated circuits.
The state of a hardware device that indicates whether the INTUITY system can use it. Devices must be equipped before they can be enabled (made active). See also equipped/unequip ped.
enhanced call transfer
An INTUITY AUDIX feature that allows compatible switches to transmit messages digitally over the BX.25 (data) link. This feature is used for quick call transfers and requires a fully integrated digital switch. Callers can only transfer to other extensions in the switch dial plan.
enhanced serial data interface
A software- and
The state of a networking channel that indicates whether INTUITY software has recognized it. Devices must be equipped before they can be enabled (made active). See also enabled/dis- abled.
error message
A message on the screen indicating that something is wrong and possibly suggesting how to cor- rect it.
Problems detected by the system during operation and recorded in the maintenance log. Errors can produce an alarm if they exceed a threshold.
escape to attendant
An INTUITY AUDIX feature that allows a subscriber with the call answer feature to have a personal attendant or operator administered to potentially pick up an unanswered call. A
See electrostatic discharge.
Informational messages about the system’s activities. For example, an event is logged when the system is rebooted. Events may or may not be related to errors and alarms.
Issue 2 December 1995