ADMINISTRATION If your responsibilities do not include system administration, skip this information.
Before you administer the Call Reports options for your system, refer to the
System Conjuration Form that you have filled out.
To administer the various Call Reports options for your system:
The Date and the Time. To set today's date:
1Enter administration mode by sliding the T/P switch to P and touching.
2Dial *80.
3Dial two digits for the month (01 through 12).
4Dial two digits for the day (01 through 31).
5Dial two digits for the year (00 through 99).
For example, if the date is March 24, 1986, dial *80 03 24 86.
6Touch Administer.
The console beeps twice.
7Leave administration mode by sliding the T/P switch to the center position.
To set the current time:
1Enter administration mode by sliding the T/P switch to P and touching
2Dial *81.
3Dial two digits for the hour (00 through 23).
4Dial two digits for the minute (00 through 59).
For example, if the time is 2:16 A.M., dial *81 02 16; if the time is 2:16 P.M., dial *81 14 16.
5Touch Administer.
The console beeps twice.
6Leave administration mode by sliding the T/P switch to the center p o s i t i o n .